Product Evaluation Courses

We tailor Product Evaluation classes to meet the needs of the operation. We help you prepare training samples and walk you through the process of how FDA defines the presence of decomposition, and steps you can take to avoid being placed on Import Alert (Detention Without Physical Examination- DWPE).

We can also tailor classes to meet the needs of a private course

We can also tailor classes to meet the needs of a private course. For example, if the customer only handles pasteurized crabmeat and frozen shrimp, the course will teach the processor about issues specific to assessing the quality of those products such as seam checks, workmanship, grade, sensory indicators, and record keeping practices. Prospective students interested in scheduling private courses on location will have the opportunity to fine tune their internal written product specifications, and evaluate their products on site.

This course does not end when we leave your office! Once you have your inspection program up and running, you have the option of sending SQSA the results of your inspections for us assist in the review process.

This course includes a certificate of attendance issued by SQSA

During this course we will review product specification criteria such as quality, condition, workmanship evaluation, sensory (size, shape, color, texture), uniformity, and net weight. We will also discuss how to judge products to determine freshness, and

Duration: 9-3

Cost: $400 per student (for open courses), Contact Us for a private evaluation course estimate

Prerequisite: none

Contact Us for a private evaluation course estimate

Other Courses:

Seafood HACCP
PCQI (Preventative Controls for Human Food)
FSVP (Foreign Supplier Verification Program)
SIMP (Seafood Import Monitoring Program)
Internal Auditor Training
Sanitation Control Procedure (SCP)

Buy Compliance Guide for Selling Seafood in the United States.